Sunday, March 23, 2014

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles

NES Dudes - Turtle Flakes Mashup

Wow..... what a ride!
Just came back from dimension X where we had a great time talking to two other dudes. Those Turtle Flakes guys really know how to have a good time.
While hanging in the balance of Dimension X, we decided to spend some time talking about the game Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles and who else is better to talk to about this game than a couple of dudes who pride themselves on turtleology. While TMNT certainly added some frustrating times during our childhood, it added many enjoyable times (except the child labor some had to endure to get the game).
Overall the game is a great play that while sometimes criticized is well remembered and accepted by many in the gaming community.

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