Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Double Dragon

What better game for the two dudes to talk about than a game about two battle tested, gun showing boot wearing guys on a journey to save the day? Double Dragon, a game about twin brothers (a notion lost on the casting director of the ill made movie), on a journey to save Marian. Well, that was the idea at least. The NES version of the game had a bit of a change in the story. A story that is hilariously told by Michael on the show.
In the NES version of the game you play only as Billy and Willy is the final boss. This is a big difference from the version released in the arcade, where the cooperative mode showed the twin brothers as partners going to save Marian. The two dudes go into detail about the differences between the arcade and the NES version so I will save that.
One problem with the NES version of Double Dragon is the seemingly slapped together design of it. This is proven by the lack of the cooperative mode and other glitches and noticeable differences that are discussed on the podcast.
All in all Double Dragon was a classic that made for a difficult time for the two dudes trying to beat it. (Tune into the show to find out if we had any success)

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