Saturday, February 1, 2014

Super Mario Bros.

Ah, Super Mario Bros. The game that started it all for most of us. You'll be hard pressed to find anyone who hasn't at least played this game. Most of us remember it as the two-fold pack-in game Super Mario Bros./Duck Hunt that came with most NES consoles. Originally released in 1985, Super Mario Bros. helped to launch the side-scrolling genre into mainstream popularity and was the best selling game for nearly three decades.There are many interesting facts about the development of the game lead by the man himself: Shigeru Miyamoto.
  • The ability to have Mario change size was a result of basing level design around a smaller Mario, then intending to make his size bigger in the final version.
  • Using Mushrooms to change size was influenced by folk tales in which people wander into forests and eat magical Mushrooms; this also resulted in the game world being named the "Mushroom Kingdom".
  • Originally an idea for a shoot-'em-up stage in which Mario would jump onto a cloud and fire at enemies was to be included; however, this was dropped to maintain the game's focus on jumping action, but the sky-based bonus stages still remained.
  • The "Infinite 1-Up" trick was by design, but the developers did not expect players to be able to master it as well as they did.
Super Mario Bros. has been ported to nearly every Nintendo console since its launch in some form or another. We thoroughly enjoyed our time recording this episode and replaying the game for the millionth time. Our special guest was one for the history books for sure. And for the record, Michael's current best speed run time is 7:59 and Justin's is 10:45. We encourage the listeners to attempt the speed run and challenge us. Give us another reason to return to the game and best you!
So long de Bowser!

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