Saturday, February 22, 2014


Alright everyone, before you get all upset about us reviewing this game hear us out. Listen to the podcast to hear what we have to say and we promise it will not be a 30 minute defense of this game that has been given at best mixed reviews.
Ghostbusters are a retro topic that most people cherish. We all loved the movie and if you were like us you probably spent a considerable amount of time pretending to be Ghostbusters, running through the house with a proton pack (pretend or if you were lucky enough to have the toy version), catching ghosts, trapping them and making your house better to sleep in at night. So when Activision decided to make the game, most NES owning people were excited. However, for the most part the game missed the mark.
The game Ghostbusters seemed too short, too easy and too hard all at the same time. We all probably have memories of trying to achieve the impossible task of climbing the steps of Zuul and the seemingly easy task of catching ghosts throughout town. However, what stuck with us about this game? For the 2 dudes there was a deep sense of nostalgia that attached us to a game that was probably not worth sticking too.
All that being said, we hope you enjoy the show whether you liked the game or not.
Update (2/24/14): Since the airing of the Ghostbusters episode the great Ghostbusters actor Harold Ramis has passed. As most of you know he was the beloved actor  who played Dr. Egon Spengler in the Ghostbusters movie. We would like to honor the legacy of Harold Ramis by dedicating the Ghostbusters episode of 2 Dudes and a NES to him.

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